Relationship between two people can be, well, interesting at times. Whether it's a married couple, close friends, business partners, siblings, or a mother daughter relationship we all could do with understanding one another a little better.
That's is why we have structured a StrengthsFinder session specifically for couples, business partners, and anyone working in a team of two! |
StrengthsFinder greatly helped my business partner and I divide the tasks in our firm StrengthsFinder is spot on! It has helped me to say: "Celebrate who you are Linda and stop trying to 'fix' your weaknesses". My husband and I have both complete the course and we now understand and value each other's unique design much more. |
What to expect
This consists of a 2 hour intensive one on two coaching session, where your StrengthsFinder coach will
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Rialette du PlessisSpecialist StrengthsFinder CoachRialette du Plessis has over 16 years teaching and training experience and is a team specialist, and qualified StrengthsFinder Level 3 coach.
She has been conducting coaching sessions for individuals, couples and corporates since 2010. She has coached nearly a 1000 individuals and many teams. She has trained teams and individuals at BMW, Liberty, Aerosud Aviation, architect firms, NGOs, and many others. She has a passion for people and their relationship with themselves and others. Her desire is to assist people to discover their unique strengths and become the best version of themselves. |