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their words
Being a person that has been exposed to many personality tests and brain dominance workshops, I was pleasantly surprised that StrengthsFinder confirmed but added more interesting facts to what I already knew about myself. Rialette facilitated the feedback in a very practical manner, with true to life examples that made the applications much easier. I will definitely recommend Be Brave to any person that is striving to fulfil their purpose in life. Jy het verseker ‘n verskil in ons praktyk en lewens gemaak! The true power of this talk is in how it touches on the simple yet poorly understood - or personal yet most potent - aspect of our being...managing the self" "Pierre is a gifted communicator, a warm person and an all-round good guy. He also has a great eye for concept development, styling, and branding - and he delivers. That's exactly the kind of person we like to work with!" |
"Pierre, like all good trend spotters, looks at the world with infinite curiosity and an open mind. As such, he has a knack of pin pointing a trend on the rise, but most importantly its roots and trajectory. Without these two elements you don't have context, and Pierre has the ability to provide that all important context." "Pierre's talk dropped bombs in my head that have been exploding in my brain for weeks - love it!" "Today I found out who I am" - StrengthsFinder is spot on! It is the most accurate course I have ever done. It has helped me to say: "Celebrate who you are Linda and stop trying to 'fix' your weaknesses". Now I spend my time channeling my energy and natural talents for the benefit of the bigger community as opposed to wasting time and effort trying to be someone I am not. My husband and I have both complete the course and we now understand and value each other's unique design much more. StrengthFinder has shown me...DISCOVER and then BE who you were created to be! |
Rialette gave us an understanding of how different personalities can work together to create a successful working environment. How respect for each other and knowledge of diverse strengths can enhance productivity and bring a group together. |
You helped me realise my true worth, I've been misunderstood my whole life and you "understood" me in a matter of minutes Be Brave helped us bring clarity to our underlying issues as a team. We found ourselves recalling the dynamics they helped us understand when future conflicts came up. Thanks to their help, we have gone much further in reaching our goals. |